Real Porn Access is a daily updating (new movie every day) great downloadable dvd movie network but it doesn't offer any big pictures and their maximum streaming quality is poorly encoded 481 kbps 420x316 resolution. So this network is great for those that only download movies but bad for others.
They have no exclusive movies and all are licensed DVDs re-encoded to be downloadable.
Categories covered: All but some of the most unusual ones are covered.
See the list of their movies to know how well your niche is covered.
Overall quality:
Value vs. Price:
Max streaming quality: Poorly encoded 481 kbps 420x316 resolution WMV.
Max downloadable quality: 1112 kbps 528x400 resolution XviDs.
Definately good enough but not great quality.
Movies quantity: Over 1000 DVDs re-encoded. You can make sure your niche has enough movies by checking the list of their movies.
Pictures quality and quantity: None except thumbs/small images to help determine which movies to download.
Movies' acting/directing etc. quality:
Navigation: - Cool, easy and fast.
Link: Real Porn Access - Click here to preview or join
2007 year's screenshots of members area: (1) (2) (3)
Pricing: $1 for 3 day trial or $24.95 per month or $74.88 per 6 months ($12.48 per month!).
Date reviewed: Updated 17th of October 2008. Originally: 15th of May 2007.